Admission Information

Job openings Head Office Technical, Sales, Accounting
Utsunomiya Factory Technical, Sales, and Quality Control Jobs
Ogaki Factory Technical, manufacturing and administrative (production management) positions
Please check the job description at Hello Work job information, MyNavi, or at the information session.
Qualifications Those who are planning to graduate from a four-year university or graduate school in March 2026
Those who have graduated within 3 years
Working hours 8:00-17:00 Actual work 8 hours, break 60 minutes
wage Master's degree: 238,000 yen (April 2025 actual results)
Undergraduate: 217,500 yen (as of April 2025)
 Undergraduate graduates will receive a base salary increase of 3 yen in their third year with the company, according to company regulations.
 No trial period or fixed overtime system
Benefits Commuting allowance (up to 2 yen), rating allowance, overtime allowance, shift work allowance (night shift workers only)
Salary increase Once a year (July)
Bonus Twice a year (Jun.e/December) *Latest results: 2 months
Annual holiday 120 days
Holiday Full two-day work week (Saturday and Sunday), year-end and New Year vacation, summer vacation, Golden Week, refreshment vacation, etc.
Welfare and internal systems Fully equipped with various social insurance (health insurance, welfare pension, employment insurance, workers' compensation insurance)
Participation in corporate pension fund, asset accumulation savings system, employee stock ownership system available
Equipped with an employee cafeteria, parking lot, and bicycle parking lot within the company
Planned paid leave system available
Support for activities such as baseball club, activities by employee social organization
Has a track record of taking pre- and post-natal leave and childcare leave
Rent subsidy system available (internal regulations apply)
Qualification support system available
Self-development support system We fully subsidize the cost of acquiring qualifications recognized or recommended by the company. Study sessions are held for advanced qualifications.
We encourage our employees to advance their careers by participating in academic conferences and study sessions both inside and outside the company, and by supporting them in acquiring public qualifications.
In particular, we provide support for national exams by providing guidance before taking the exam and a reward system for passing the exam. In addition, from the second year onwards, employees gain a broader perspective and practical experience through participation in joint projects with customers, creating an environment that naturally encourages growth.
Training system New employee training, skill certification system/safety training, promotion training, external instructor training (consulting companies/trading companies)
After joining the company, employees undergo one week of classroom training, followed by three months to one year of training and practical training before being assigned. After that, she provided on-the-job training.

Recruitment flow

From Mynavi

Company Profile·
Recruitment position briefing session

Small number of interviews, written test, factory tour

Executive interview/
Aptitude test (web)

Final interview

Unofficial decision